In these troubled times, many people may experience economic, emotional and physical problems due to the Coronavirus. These problems may be difficult to handle on your own. The Law Office of Matthew Rizzo is available to consult on issues related to the current crisis and help with your legal needs if we are able to.
Here are some issues that may arise that we can help guide you through to make sure your personal injury case has the best chance of success and gets you the compensation you deserve:
1. Proper Medical Treatment
Most medical professionals are swamped right now, and very few are taking in person visits. However, telemedicine is up, and for the most part, running smoothly.
It is essential that you thoroughly follow any therapy laid out by your doctor, and don’t miss any treatments or appointments. If you need help setting up and navigating these virtual appointments, that is something we can assist you with. If for some reason you must miss an appointment or your treatment gets canceled or postponed, make sure it gets properly documented by your doctor or the respective medical professionals involved.
2. Court
In these uncertain times, it is common for court dates to be canceled or rescheduled, and for personnel and procedures to be changed. Social distancing is enforced in the courtroom, and less people overall are allowed to attend. Some witnesses may have difficulty appearing due to COVID-related issues.
Some court proceedings have gone completely virtual as well.
We are on top of these changes, and can guide you through them.
3. Insurance Companies
If we find ourselves in a major recession, many people may stop paying their insurance premiums. This means no coverage from the person(s) responsible for your injury. But there are still ways you can be compensated in these circumstances. We can help in this.
In the meantime, insurance companies are making money hand over fist, since claims are way down. Not very many people are on the road, or out and about, but instead relatively safe in their own homes. This is the ideal situation for these companies!
And yet, with the length and outcome of this crisis uncertain, insurance companies will continue to fight for every penny, loath to give up even the slightest bit of ground to claimants. They may even become more ruthless than normal, exploiting any and all mistakes and loopholes to deny you proper compensation for your injuries.
Don’t give them that opportunity! Make sure all the details are in place and no steps are overlooked. That is what we are here to help with.
4. Virtual Meetings
Just like your doctor, we can work with you remotely so that we can keep your case going forward, while minimizing exposure and ensuring you and your loved ones safe.
COVID-19 has made personal injury lawsuits a bit more complicated, but there is no roadblock so far that means your case should be dropped or postponed. Keep the momentum! Especially now, as uncertain as everything is, you can’t afford to compromise on what you need and deserve from your personal injury settlement.
Contact Us today for a consultation and let’s start getting you not just back to normal, but in better shape than you were before!