Sometimes you just have to involve an attorney.

If you’ve already tried being reasonable and it seems nobody’s listening,

I can help.

PHONE: 503.405.9723 • FAX: 503.296.5447

Matthew Rizzo – Portland Attorney • Yachats Attorney

It would be so nice if people would just do the right thing, but unfortunately, it often doesn’t work out that way.  Insurance companies will try everything in the book to get out of paying, dog owners will deny their family pet bit you, a driver will deny they ran a red light and there are shysters out there who think it’s okay to bully seniors and steal their money.

By the time my clients call me, they’re frustrated, scared and confused. The double-talk, denials and sheer refusal to listen to reason has them on edge. They are in physical pain and dealing with the aftermath of an injury or wrong-doing.  No one should have to endure a legal battle on top of trying to get adequate medical care and compensation for negligence. Let me do all the worrying for you.

After 17 years’ experience working for an insurance company, I know how things work – and why they don’t always work out in your favor. As a former insurance insider, I’ve seen the tactics that keep the truth from winning out and I’m determined to make a difference.

A second generation attorney, I was born to help you win this fight. The more challenging your case, the harder I work to investigate every angle and leverage the odds in your favor. Sometimes all it takes is a letter and a phone call. Other times, we take it to court. No matter the issue, I will tell you the truth about your options, in language that makes sense.

Personal Injury Attorney In Portland Matt Rizzo

Matthew Rizzo

Motor Vehicle Accidents

If you are one of the thousands of people who are in an auto accident each year, your life has been completely disrupted. Your case will be thoroughly investigated so your settlement can be maximized.

Wrongful Death

Despite the best intentions of management and most staff, elder abuse and neglect does occur. There are several types of legal claims that can be brought on behalf of a victim of abuse or neglect.

Dog Bites: To You AND Your Dog

Dogs bite because an irresponsible owner didn’t keep them confined or train them properly, or the dog may be in distress. You may be entitled to compensation for injuries if a dog attacks you.

Thoughts From Our Clients:

Matt Rizzo recently represented me in a claim, and I was pleased with the process, how he handled the case and the outcome. He was quick to understand the case, to assess the strengths and weaknesses of both sides, and to provide realistic advice on how to proceed. He understands the process, the controlling law, and he knows the people involved. He was able to accurately understand what my case was worth and where it would end up. He worked hard to resolve my case, and he was successful.
D. K.

Contact Matt Today